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okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering |
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![]() Saturday, December 31, 2005 Route choice test at Kill CreekHere is another route choice test. You know the routine. Use the "comment" function. List the routes fastest to slowest. Put in estimates of the times for each leg. To get you started, the fastest route took me 6:25.A couple of things to know about his map and leg. The leg is just over 1 km. The trails are good, though they have a few bends and a rocky spot here and there. The open areas are fast but with some deep grass in places (deep meaning between the knee and ankle). The rough open areas are very slow (grass over my head in many places). You'll notice that I didn't run through any rough open. On the "A" route I ran on the mowed grass next to the paved trail rather than on the paved trail itself. I'll post my times, rounded to the nearest 5 seconds in a few days. posted by Michael | 6:44 PM ![]() Friday, December 30, 2005 TranslationYou can read an article about Simone Niggli and Thierry Gueorgiou over at Attackpoint. If you haven't seen it, it is worth a look.The translation came together very well. In just a bit over a day, a group of four people each translated a small section of the artile. The internet makes coordinating an effort like this very simple. It isn't like the old days when I started orienteering. Back then, getting ahold of any article about orienteering was hard. If it was in Swedish, I'd study it carefully and, with a Swedish-English dictionary in hand, try to figure out what the article was about. I'd be happy if I could understand maybe half of the article. Transition running Eric Buckley is going over ten things he can improve at. One thing he wrote about recently was running in light green forest. Against runners of roughly my fitness, I get through open woods about as fast as anybody. While I don't particularly care for it, I hold my own going through the really nasty stuff, too. Light green is another matter. At a couple of Trots, I've run in the woods with Eric and I would agree that running in light green is a relative weakness of his. As I think back, I wonder if he is also losing time at the transitions from white to light green or from a trail to light green. I'm not sure. I suspect that a lot of people (me included?) lose time at this sort of transition from better runnability to worse runnability. Maybe it is just a desire to avoid going into the green. Goat cheese and red onion quesadillas My brother gave me a book for Christmas -- Gourmet Meals in Minutes. Tonight I took my first stab at a gourmet meal in minutes. I made goat cheese and red onion quesadillas. I'm not much of a cook, but I've got to say I was happy with the result. posted by Michael | 8:17 PM ![]() Thursday, December 29, 2005 More tiny mapsHere are a couple more tiny O' maps.Terkelsen's web page I hadn't seen Chris Terkelsen's web page until today. It looks good, but it is all in Danish. Even if you can't manage the language, it has lots of interesting maps (from the main page look for the "kort" link). posted by Michael | 9:19 PM ![]() Wednesday, December 28, 2005 Spent some time translatingI spent my "blogging time" translating a bit of the Skogssport article I mentioned yesterday. So, instead of writing about orienteering, I'm just posting a couple of snapshots.I met Stephen and Annette for lunch today. We ate at the resturant Calvin Trillin calls the best the world -- Arthur Bryants. Good food. This snapshot shows Venus above Shawnee Mission Park. I took the photo (hand held) just before my last night O' training at the park. posted by Michael | 8:04 PM ![]() Tuesday, December 27, 2005 Ouch..cough..ouchThe Swedish O' Federation web page has been running a series of short interview with national team members. I spent a few minutes reading four of them today. One thing that stood out was the injuries and illnesses.Jenny Johansson got hurt at the WOC in Japan and is still doing rehab. She's just now up to running for almost an hour. Karolina A Hojsgaard is sick right now. She's also rehabing from a leg injury. She's been sick for a few days, which is a lot better than last winter when she had 50 (50!) sick days in December and January. Emma Engstrand's training is going well. But, not without some pain and discomfort. She slipped on the ice during a training session and cracked or bruised a rib. A bruised rib is an annoying injury. In my experience (I've had the injury three times), I've only missed a little training, but I've been uncomfortable and had difficulty sleeping for weeks. Niclas Jonasson...no problems. He's uninjured and healthy. So, counting Engstrand as healthy and uninjured (the ribs aren't a big deal), half of the orienteers interviewed so far are suffering. Gueorgiou article The latest Skogssport includes an article on Simone Niggli and Thierry Gueorgio's daily lives. Gueorgiou posted a copy on his web page. If you can read Swedish, point your browser there and read it. If not, you might still enjoy looking at the photos. I don't plan to translate it, but maybe I'll translate a bit of it in the next few days. posted by Michael | 7:50 PM ![]() Monday, December 26, 2005 Tis the season......for making little tiny orienteering maps.I drew a map of Stephen and Annette's home as a Christmas present. I used aerial photos and USGS contours that I found on the internet. I've only visited their house once and I'm sure the map will need some fieldchecking. I hope to get back there (Clinton Corners, NY) in the spring and finish the map. Christina mapper her parents house. A few years ago, Mikell Platt mapped our house. We hosted a small race, but the map hasn't seen much use in years and needs updating (we've planted some trees). I'm guessing that lots of orienteers have little maps like this. It would seem to be a very good indication that someone is a serious O' geek. Which, depending on your point of view, is a very good thing or a bit sad. I think it is good and I'm guessing that most people taking the time to read this page would agree. posted by Michael | 10:56 AM ![]() Sunday, December 25, 2005 Merry Christmas![]() Saturday, December 24, 2005 Corridor orienteeringCorridor orienteering seems like a good way to make use of maps you're familiar with. I ran a corridor course at SMP today and it felt like a different area. Everytime I prepare a corridor course I search around the house for the O' Sport magazine with instructions for preparing the course in OCAD. Then I give up and play around with OCAD for a while until I remember how to do it. For future reference: 1. File, New, Course setting for orienteering. 2. Template, Open and then pick the map you want as a template. 2. Set the course. 3. Use the "background control description" symbol in the course setting area to white out parts of the map. 4. Print and run. posted by Michael | 4:27 PM ![]() Friday, December 23, 2005 A couple of comments on the route testAs an experiment, I've recorded a few comments about the route test. You should be able to listen to my comments at Okansas on Odeo. The recording isn't great, but it is my first try and I'm thinking about experimenting with more audio posts.Here is the link to the map. posted by Michael | 7:00 PM ![]() Thursday, December 22, 2005 1162 hours of training!I read about an orienteer who trained 1162 hours in one year. That is a lot of training. Here is the report (in Norwegian) and here is a quick translation of a bit of it:"He has trained 1162 hours in one year. Of course, he was overtained, but he did it and you've got to respect that," said [Jorgen] Rostrup. Laaksonen has a lot of good results as a senior and as a junior he was 3rd at the JWOC in the same group as Petter Thoresson and Allan Mogenen. Laaksonen? Hey, I know him. Petri Laaksonen and I traveled from a race in Sodertalje to the Swedish 5-days in Ostersund. I remember the trip well because our flight got cancelled and I spent the night sleeping on the floor in Stockholm's airport. You can see Laaksonen's current training log. He's not doing 1000+ hours as an M40, but it doesn't look too shabby. Make a map in 2006 This seems like a great New Year's Resolution. I think I'll aim low and resolve to make at least one small map in 2006. posted by Michael | 9:07 PM ![]() Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Route choice test resultsHere are my times from last weekend's route choice test at Shawnee Mission Park.C 5:50 B 7:15 A and D 7:50 I wasn't suprised by the order, but I was a bit surprised how much faster I ran C. Maybe I pushed a bit harder on C than on the other routes. posted by Michael | 8:22 PM ![]() Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Another couple of notesNot much time to write tonight. We've got guests -- Snorkel and Melissa are staying wtih us on their way to Florida (where, among other things, they will probably go snorkeling!).You've still got time to add your guesses about the route choice options I posted a couple of days ago. I'll post my times tomorrow. Last week I gave some thought to predicting illnesses and injuries. As an experiment, I looked at ten people who post their training on Attackpoint and I made predictions about whether or not they'd get sick in the next week. Of the ten people, I picked three as likely to get sick. One did. Of the seven that I didn't expect to get sick, none did. So, I guess my first try at predicting illness was a moderate success...or maybe just random luck. And check out the map from "Ham Loppet" in Hamilton. It looks fun. posted by Michael | 9:15 PM ![]() Monday, December 19, 2005 A couple of notesNew O' VideoPatrick put up a new O' video on his homepage. If you like the "follow me"-type of video, it is worth a look at Patrick's latest. Training course in Norway Oystein Kvaal Osterbo posted a training map with an interesting course. It looks like fun. Randy's analysis Randy wrote about his O' year: Well, back to the O. What should I write about this season? I'm a geek and keep stats, and this was the first season ever where my stats declined from the previous year. That sucks, but at least I was better than in 2003, putting in my second best season statistically. Why did things get worse? Burnout in the beginning of the year, random minor injuries and equipment failures, and I think a too much over-confidence and too much speedwork. I know there was a point where I was not concentrating enough, because I figured "I get it". But no matter how long you've been doing this, you always have to be at peak concentration, at least it seems that way for me. I suppose some people get to a point where they can do it automatically, but I found I could not, and my results were better when I knuckled down. I thought that last part was most interesting. "...no matter how long you've been doing this, you always have to be at peak concentration..." I'm sometimes amazed at how hard it is to orienteer. You can't quite coast. I guess most sports are like that, but in orienteering when you coast the price you pay is higher -- that is you make big booms. In some sports, say tennis or basketball, you could coast (in fact the best clearly do) without really having a big disaster. posted by Michael | 8:27 PM ![]() Sunday, December 18, 2005 Late Night With MookI ran at OK's annual "Late Night With Mook" last night. LNWM is a night trail run (followed by a trip to a local pizza place). We run on the trails along the river in Lawrence. It isn't a race, though someone usually pushes the pace at on the return trip. This year Fritz (in the snapshot below) pushed the pace. My ankle was sore and I didn't even make an effort to keep up.![]() Saturday, December 17, 2005 Another route testI did another route test today. The map shows the four options I tested (click for higher resolution).Take a look at the leg. Put the different routes in order (fastest to slowest) and post your guesses using comments. I'll post the answers, based on my times, in a few days. The leg is about 800 meters. The contour interval is 3 meters. The hills aren't as big as they might look. The footing was ok, but not perfect. We've got a bit of snow falling and the trails, especially where they've got ice on them, were quite slick. The forest is mapped as white, but would probably be a light green in most areas. The rough open is mostly grass above your knees. You can usually get through the rough open quickly by following deer trails, though the deer trails don't always go exactly where you want. For an added challenge, you can guess the times. To get you started, I'll tell you that the slowest time was 7:55 (I've rounded all the times to the nearest 5 seconds). I'm doing this sort of training to try to improve my ability to look at different route choices and estimate time differences. I'd like to be able to look at a leg and make decisions like, "I'll take the easy trail route, it'll cost me 20 seconds, but I'm willing to give that time up in order to run on a road and get a chance to plan the next couple of legs." I also think that testing routes like this is a good way to use a familiar map. posted by Michael | 3:21 PM ![]() Friday, December 16, 2005 Wish I could read FinnishLooking at Janne Weckman's blog makes me wish I understood Finnish. Even if you don't read Finnish, take a look at the maps. I'm intrigued by the analysis of individual legs, like this one.As far as I can tell, Finnish is essentially impossible to understand. You get sentences like this: Joukkue kai pysyy suunnilleen samassa koostumuksessa. I've travelled in Finland a few times and always enjoyed it. The orienteering is great. The country is beautiful. The people have always been helpful. Training camp Some of my favorite orienteering memories are from training camps. So, I'm psyched that things are working out so that I'll be in Hamilton for a training camp in January (I bet there aren't a lot of people who can say, "I'm really looking forward to going to Hamilton, Ontario, in January." The camp schedule looks great. Lots of training and lots of good information. One of the presentations is a brainstorming session about how to further elite orienteering in Canada. That's exactly the sort of topic I like to think about...I'll have to give it some thought over the next few days or weeks. posted by Michael | 7:26 PM ![]() Thursday, December 15, 2005 posted by Michael | 7:14 PM ![]() Wednesday, December 14, 2005 Orienteering audioOver at Yep Sport, Ollie looked for orienteering "podcasts" and found slim pickings.I'd been thinking about orienteering and audio, though not specifically about "podcasts." Here are a few of the things I'd been thinking about: Years ago, Damon Douglas had Peter Gagarin run a course carrying a tape recorder and talking the entire way. It was great. Peter kept a running commentary on what he was thinking and seeing. Damon distributed the tape and a copy of the map with Peter's routes. The internet would be perfect for this sort of thing. I've got a copy of the tape, or at least I used to. If I can find it, maybe I'll try to figure out how to make it available. The Swedish O' Federation frequently posts video news updates on its homepage. Video is cool, but compared to audio it is pretty expensive. Maybe USOF should look into posting occassional audio news updates on the USOF homepage. It'd be fairly easy to put together a short interview with the winners of the latest national champs or a few words from USOF's president about the federation's plans or whatever. I've been thinking about posting some audio entries to this page. When I'm traveling, I don't carry a laptop and don't go out of my way to get internet access. But, I almost always have my phone and it is quite easy to post short audio notes to this page from a phone. A "podcast" might be a good tool for clubs to use to introduce beginners to orienteering. Imagine if you could go to a web page, download a map with a simple course on it, download an audio guide to the course, then go out and walk around the course following the audio guide. It'd be a bit like those audio guidebooks to museums. I have no idea if something like that would be used, but it might and it'd be very easy to put together. I'm sure there are some really interesting things orienteers could do with audio. Putting audio on the web seems to be getting very easy. So, I suppose we'll start to see some interesting audio showing up soon. A snapshot from Mongolia I spent some time this evening looking at snapshots from Mongolia. So, I figured I'd post one: ![]() Tuesday, December 13, 2005 What? No orienteering?No orienteering today. Instead, I'm including a few basketball stats for the Jayhawks.But, these aren't just any stats, these are defense stats that I've collected while watching the games. Here is what I do. I track the Jayhawk player defending the player who shoots. I track whether the shot is made or missed. If the Jayhawks double team the shooter, I split credit for the made or missed shot. If nobody is defending the shooter (or if more than two players are defending), I credit the made or missed shot to "team." I've scored just five of the games (two games weren't on TV locally and I've got the Cal game on tape but haven't scored it). I missed the first 8 minutes of the Nevada game. The list below show the total points made or missed against each Jayhawk (players can have 0.5 points because I split credit for shots when they double team the shooter). Hawkins 36 59.5 Robinson 36 42.5 Stewart hasn't played yet Case 5 3 Chalmers 15.5 35.5 Vinson 0 19 Downs 16 24.5 Kaun 33 61 Rush 35 51 Wright 25 43 Jackson hasn't played yet Giles 40 47 Moody 21.5 35 Kleinmann 3 1 Team 38 48 Look for tomorrow's post to be about orienteering. posted by Michael | 8:19 PM ![]() Monday, December 12, 2005 Predicting injury and illnessI gave Eddie some grief about his training over at Attackpoint.I pointed out that if you looked at WOC team selection races for 2001, 2004, 2004 and 2005, I'd beaten him twice.* Eddie usually beats me. I wouldn't bet that I'd beat him in 2006. But, he seems to get a bit lazy now and then, so I posted a comment on his log. Maybe giving him some grief will inspire some better training on Eddie's part. I hope it does. In response to my comment, Jon T. pointed out that Eddie was sick in 2005, explaining his poor results at the WOC selection race. Jon is right. Eddie was sick; quite sick if I remember correctly. But, thinking about what I wrote yesterday reminded me that Eddie's illness might have been predictable. It might have been a mistake Eddie made. Consider this: March 19 -- Eddie ran a 50 Km trail race. He was pacing a friend. He was running for just over 5 hours. March 21, 22, 24, 25 and 26 -- Eddie ran a bit under an hour each day at a fairly quick pace (from 3:52/km to 4:11/km). March 24 -- Eddie began moving furniture to a new apartment. He also moved stuff over the next few days. Moving furniture and clearing out his old apartment. Here is what Eddie wrote on March 27, "Actually spent all morning moving the heavy furniture and more boxes. Moving is too much work. Still a little more packing to do, and then....cleaning, cleaning cleaning." March 27 -- Eddie caught a cold. March 30 -- Eddie was at the training area for the sprint selection race and, " I felt terrible so just slept in the car..." April 1 -- Eddie ran at the first of the three selection races, "Sick as a dog. Lungs full of stuff." Now, I don't mean to pick on (or even criticize) Eddie. But, looking at how he spent the days before the WOC selection races, I've got to think he brought the illness on himself. Combine a long effort, with some short fast runs, and add the stress (physical and mental) of moving and you've got a recipe for getting sick. Would Eddie have been healthy for the selection races if he was more careful? I don't know...maybe, maybe not. Could someone have looked at what Eddie was doing and seen the sickness coming? It looks obvious in retrospect; but a lot of things look obvious in retrospect. *I think that is true (I haven't actually gone and looked at the race results). posted by Michael | 8:21 PM ![]() Sunday, December 11, 2005 Maybe avoiding injury would be a big edgeBuilding on yesterday's post, I'm wondering if figuring out how to avoid getting injured would be a big edge.It came to mind when I was reading web pages of Kim Fagerudd, Holger Hott Johansen and Fredrik Lowegren. All three have struggled with some injury problems recently. I've been reading logs at Attackpoint and noticed the same thing -- lots of time lost to various injuries. You can find lots of advice ("conventional wisdom"?) about avoiding injury. Things like -- don't increase your training by more than ten percent, avoid running on hard surfaces, don't run too many intervals, take a day off if your resting heart rate is elevated, alternate hard/easy days, and so on. There is no shortage of advice. But if it was easy to avoid getting hurt (e.g. by following the advice) why are runners and orienteers getting hurt so much? The answer is, of course, that it isn't easy and that people don't always do what they should. You can ignore the advice and be fine, at least some of the time. A year or two ago I gave some thought to seeing if I could predict injuries. The idea was to keep a good eye on people training logs at Attackpoint and make an injury prediction each week or each day. Maybe I'd learn something. Maybe not. I think I'll try it. posted by Michael | 7:56 PM ![]() Saturday, December 10, 2005 An edge?I read Michael Lewis' article from last week's NY Times Magazine. One of the themes of the story is that Texas Tech's coach has figured out a way to take advantage of the conventional wisdom that guides other football teams. Lewis wrote Moneyball, a book that includes a similar theme, but about baseball.To make a gross simplification, the concept is that by finding a new idea -- by flaunting conventional wisdom -- an athlete or team can gain an edge. That got me thinking about conventional wisdom and orienteering. What sort of conventional wisdom could an orienteer take advantage of? What sort of new ideas could give an orienteer an edge? How do you find fresh, new ideas to test? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I'll throw out a few thoughts: Conventional orienteering wisdom is that you should take it extra careful on the way to the first control. Maybe you could gain an edge by taking chances -- running faster and/or picking riskier routes -- to the first control? In the U.S., I think almost any orienteer could gain an edge by doing a lot of training in the forest. That isn't really a new idea. But, as I look at training logs on Attackpoint, it seems like it would be a new practice. I suspect there is room to gain an edge through some new training ideas. Spending hours playing CatchingFeatures, for example. Maybe the eye training exercises I've written about before would work. I'll give this some more thought and maybe I can come up with some good ideas (and maybe I'll even share them). Orienteering Online is back After disappearing for a while, Orienteering Online is back. It is worth a regular look. Late Night With Mook Just one week left until the annual Late Night With Mook trail run. posted by Michael | 7:18 PM ![]() Friday, December 09, 2005 Orienteering and auto racingNow and then I get some grief from orienteers who seem to be disturbed that I like to watch auto racing.I was pleased to come across Martin Gregor's comments about three subjects I'm interested in: auto racing, track and field, orienteering and economics! Take a look at: Formula One versus World Rally Champs I Formula One versus World Rally Champs II If only Gregor had included basketball. Now, how would basketball fit? Probably something like this: F1 -- WRC Track and field -- Orienteering Macroeconomics -- Microeconomics Football (American) -- Basketball posted by Michael | 8:02 PM ![]() Thursday, December 08, 2005 Last weekend's MicrOHere is the MicrO section from last weekend's Kansas Champs. Fritz set the course.I was involved in organizing the race, so I didn't get a chance to test the MircO. I wish I had. The closest I got was running the legs as a last check to make sure the controls were in place (I ran with the above map, which shows the false controls, rather than the competition map). The impression I got from checking the controls was that I'd run a MircO a bit differently than I'd run a regular leg. Take the leg from AF to B3. In a regular event, I'd leave AF heading in the right direction and keep my head up, looking to see the control from as far away as I could. But, in the MicrO, I'd have gone a little slower, paying more attention to the exact feature I was looking for (the stream bend with the earth bank). In the MicrO, I'd go a little slower and pay a little more attention to the detail. In most midwest terrain, you don't need to pay attention in that way. It feels a little more like New England/Nordic terrain. Not the same, but more so than typical midwest terrain. Eric Buckley wrote a nice analysis of the MicrO. Check out his December archives and look for the 12/7/05 entry. For another report on a MicrO, check out Ollie O'Brien's write up of a British MicrO race. posted by Michael | 7:38 PM ![]() Wednesday, December 07, 2005 Snow!When I got home from work today, I put on my skis and went out for 40 minutes of skiing. It was a blast.I am a terrible skier. I remember the first time I skied in Sweden. My friend, Per Spiik let me use a pair of his skis and gave me a little bit of advice on how to ski. I practiced for a few minutes, then hit the trails. I was cruising along and felt like I was moving pretty well. I was quite fit at the time and felt like I was going at a good clip....then an old lady passed me. She must have been in her 50s (I was about 26 at the time). I picked up the effort. I was working hard. I was able to keep up with the old lady. I guess there is enough technique, and my technique is so bad, that an old lady had no trouble skiing at my pace. Maybe someday I'll live in a place where I can ski regularly. Maybe my technique will improve. Despite the bad technique, I was fun to shuffle around in the snow tonight. Despite the bad technique, it felt like decent exercise. I took a few snapshots tonight, but the photo uploading doesn't seem to be working. I'll try to post them later. posted by Michael | 8:09 PM ![]() Tuesday, December 06, 2005 Kansas Champs VideoI came across a link at Alternativet to an orienteering mp3 from NTNUI's orienteering club.* So, I downloaded the tune and listened. Not bad. My first thought was -- this would be a perfect sound track to the video I shot at the Kansas Champs on Saturday.Check out the video, which features the top 3 finishers (plus Tom, who made a big boom and finished a bit back). You can also find another video, results, maps and photos at the official Kansas Champs web site. *I haven't gotten permission to use the mp3, but I'm hoping that it is ok. I'll take it down if someone from NTNUI has a problem with it. posted by Michael | 9:03 PM ![]() Monday, December 05, 2005 Loess HillsAfter looking at a copy of the Bluff Woods map from yesterday's Trot, Hammer noted, "the map looks like WOC 2005 in Japan."Hammer is right. Yesterday's map looks a lot like some of the maps from the WOC in Japan. I don't really know anything about geology (especially the geology of Japan), but I do know that Bluff Woods is loess hills. Loess hills run in a narrow band along the Missouri River, beginning around Kansas City and going north to about the north edge of Iowa. This map shows the area. I live in Platte County (at the bottom edge of the loess hills). The local orienteering clubs (OK and PTOC) have several loess hills maps: Fort Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Weston Bend, and Bluff Woods. PTOC is also working on another loess hill map (just a nine minute drive from my front door). PTOC also has a slightly modified USGS map of loess terrain at Indian Cave in Nebraska. Check out the topo map of Indian Cave. The biggest problem with loess terrain is that there isn't much orienteering where the terrain is. But, it isn't hopeless. Lots of people live in St Joseph, MO, and Omaha, NE. Maybe someday orienteering clubs will get started in those towns and we'll have more loess terrain to orienteer in. posted by Michael | 8:47 PM ![]() Sunday, December 04, 2005 Maps from today's TrotLong, tough and cold.The course was about 14.5 km (but felt a lot longer because of all the climb). Temperature at the start was 13 F and it warmed up to about 20 F by the finish. To give you an idea of how tough it was, Mook and Platt ran the course in 2:20. So, they just snuck under 10 min/km. The course is below (click for higher resolution). The Trot is mass start. You skip any one control that you want (I skipped 15; 22 was a good skip). ![]() Saturday, December 03, 2005 Kansas O' ChampsOrienteer Kansas hosted the annual Kansas O' Champs today. Fritz set the course -- a middle distance course, with mass start and a micrO section. Check out the map (click on the image for higher resolutions.![]() Friday, December 02, 2005 If Halden SK wins Tio Mila in 2006.......do I get credit?Back in September I wrote about some eye training I was testing. Today I read a story at Kondis.no about Halden SK's new eye training exercises! The article is in Norwegian and I'm not going to translate it, but it is worth a look to see the pictures and click on the link for TrainYourEyes. The TrainYourEyes web page has lots of English info. Check out the "test your eyes" link. I tested some eye training exercises and have some thoughts...but they'll have to wait until another day. Very cool Julkalendar From Kart-Bosse, a very interesting Julkalendar. There is a new page each day. Click on the number to go to the new page (e.g. on December 2 you can click on "2" and get an interesting analysis of an F14 race. The analysis is in both Swedish and English and includes maps. Very interesting stuff. posted by Michael | 7:13 PM ![]() Thursday, December 01, 2005 More about Bostrom in the U.S.A newspaper from Finland has an article about Maarten Bostrom's running in Arizona. If you can read Swedish, take a look at the article.I've translated a few sentences from the article: "The training [for cross country running] is entirely different here than in Finland where I usually trained alone. Here I often run with others, sometimes up to 30 runners. I always have someone pushing me in the tough sessions." "My next marathon will probably be in the fall of 2007 or spring of 2008, preparing for the Olympics in Peking." After his running training in the Rocky Mountains, Bostrom will try to win a world championship in orienteering, for example in Denmark next year or in Ukraine the following year. But if he wants to train for orienteering around Flagstaff, he'll have to draw a map first, which he is capable of doing. But if he does that he'll know the terrain and the idea of orienteering "in unknown areas" will disappear. I've never been to Flagstaff, but it is one of those places that sounds like it'd be a good place to live. The Observatory Mesa area -- just west of town -- looks like it might make for fun orienteering. I think Mook spent some time in Flagstaff (Maybe looking for ESPs from the Observatory Mesa?). posted by Michael | 7:31 PM ![]() |
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