Hammer is right. Yesterday's map looks a lot like some of the maps from the WOC in Japan.
I don't really know anything about geology (especially the geology of Japan), but I do know that Bluff Woods is loess hills. Loess hills run in a narrow band along the Missouri River, beginning around Kansas City and going north to about the north edge of Iowa. This map shows the area. I live in Platte County (at the bottom edge of the loess hills).
The local orienteering clubs (OK and PTOC) have several loess hills maps: Fort Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Weston Bend, and Bluff Woods. PTOC is also working on another loess hill map (just a nine minute drive from my front door). PTOC also has a slightly modified USGS map of loess terrain at Indian Cave in Nebraska. Check out the topo map of Indian Cave.
The biggest problem with loess terrain is that there isn't much orienteering where the terrain is. But, it isn't hopeless. Lots of people live in St Joseph, MO, and Omaha, NE. Maybe someday orienteering clubs will get started in those towns and we'll have more loess terrain to orienteer in.
posted by Michael |
8:47 PM