okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Saturday, May 05, 2012
10 Mila Twitter Word Cloud
10 Mila today. The first runners on the women's first leg are just coming to the exchange.
I'm following the race through the Swedish web radio, WorldofO, and Twitter (#10mila looks promising). The wordcloud below shows the most recent tweets with #10mila.
I created the wordcloud through a "text mining" method I've been using at work. One of the fun things you can do with text mining is find correlations between words. What individual words are most correleated with "women" in the recent #10mila tweets? Liveblog, start, tiomila, worldofo, and orienteering.
The technical details. I'm using R to do the text mining using several packages: twitteR, tm, and wordcloud.