okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
What maps would we use if orienteering was invented today?
What maps would we use if orienteering was invented today?
My guess is that we wouldn't be using the super detailed, carefully field-checked maps that we use (like the map from a training camp in Norway shown below). I bet we'd be using government topo maps updated with aerial and satellite photos from sources like Google Earth.
With that sort of map, courses would probably involve long route choice legs with relatively simply control placement.
I've speculated before that if orienteering were invented today the normal format would be mass start events.
I wonder if mass start events on non-fieldchecked and slightly-sketchy maps would last or if the sport would then develop toward more detailed maps (which allow for more fine navigation).
Oh well, no point in speculating when you can study a map and picture the terrain...