okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Monday, January 07, 2008
Disrespect = motivation?
Apparently the coach for the Ohio State football team gave all of the players a short DVD full of commentary about how the team didn't deserve to be playing in tonight's football national championship game. I thought that was an interesting way to motivate players - convince them that the rest of the world doesn't respect them. We'll see if it works (as I write, the score is tied 10-10 in the first half).
Stadium Sprint Map
I came across this map on Markus Puusepp's blog (an Estonian blog with lots of maps). Can you guess where the map is?
I had no idea, but a Google search suggests it is in Azerbaijan.
I have a similar tiny GPS device - turn it on (before the O, so it finds the satellites), stick it in your pocket, and connect to the computer later in order to analyze. Someone here in Israel wanted to import them (from Taiwan, I think) and I got one for testing. From comparison to all the people here with expensive GPS watches, it's more reliable than them.