okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Friday, April 27, 2007
Okansas Tio Mila Team Coach Announced
My plan was to post my Tio Mila team, but I'm running low on time. Instead, I'll introduce my team's coach - Aspleaf.
Aspleaf published goals for Tio Mila runners. I've translated them: Leg 1 - be with the lead pack at the exchange. Leg 2 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 3 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 4 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 5 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 6 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 7 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 8 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 9 - have a better run than the runner on the leg before you. Leg 10 - make sure you don't have anyone ahead of you at the finish.
Aspleaf, or Asplövet in plain Svenska, is running on the last fumes of life right now. I think there is nothing left to save his soule right now. His blog will, if nothing extraordinary happens, be shut down shortly.