okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Last year it was to make a map. That worked pretty well.
This year it'll be to add some regular strength training to my routine(basically just some light calisthenics and maybe some weights). I suspect that doing some overall strength training won't hurt and might help.
In the past I've never managed to keep doing regular strength training for more than a few months at a time. Two reasons:
1. It just isn't much fun. Running is fun. Cycling is fun. Orienteering is fun. But, strength training isn't fun (to me).
2. In the last few years I've had a couple of rib injuries. Tripping on a fence, hitting the ground, brusing the ribs. Bruised ribs make strength training uncomfortable.
1 + 2 make it easy for me to stop doing strength training.
How can I make it more likely that I won't stop? It seems like the key is making it fun. Starting from zero helps. When you start from such a low level you can see improvements quickly and that usually helps with motivation. I gues the other thing to do is to keep the volume low. If something isn't much fun, but only takes 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a week, I ought to be able to manage it.