okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Sunday, November 19, 2006
A wise course setter
Tom H. set today's courses. I always like running Tom's courses because of his course setting philosophy. Now, I'm not sure Tom would even realize he has a course setting philosophy, but I've run enough of his courses to recognize his style.
Basically, Tom errs on the side of comfort and solid control features. That's really nice in some of the areas we orienteer in around Kansas City. You can easily put controls on sketchy features in dense patches of thorns. Tom doesn't do that.
One way to avoid the thorns at local meets is to run Tom's courses. Another way would be to use Mary's custom O' pants. She's built a pair of O' pants with thin knee pads made of a very light fleece coated in duct tape. The pants have pockets on the knees so you can remove the pads. It seems like a strange idea, but Mary says they greatly reduce the number of thorns you get stuck in your knees...and that's a good thing.
posted by Michael |
9:09 PM