okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 More indoor O' mapsFrom OPN, a couple more indoor O' maps:And for something completely different... Attackpoint has been buzzing with discussion of O' as a TV sport. I don't see much of a future for O' on TV, but I like to see experiments (like micr-O). Basketball, on the other hand, is a great TV sport. A student in Australia has developed a basketball jersey that could help spectators watch a game by showing, for example, a player's fouls and points scored on the jersey. posted by Michael | 7:53 PM
When I took my Dale Carnegie Leadership class last year, I chose orienteering as my topic for the "demonstrate by doing" presentation. The week before my presentation, I "mapped" the room, and I brought everyone a color copy of the map.
The class sat in rolling chairs, so before I started, I asked one half of the room to scoot close together, and the other half to scoot apart, representing green and white forest, respectively. Then I explained orienteering as I followed my little course around the classroom.
In Finland orienteering has been suprised everyone on new tv sport. During past years e have had whole Jukola and Venla relays in tv which means 12 hours. Finnish Sport Channel has showed 90 minutes from every Finnish O Elite League competitions and orienteering has raised to 4th biggest sport on channel. Co-operation between Finnish O Federation and tv producers has been used as example how it is possible to build up new famous tv sport. This year national TV2 showed live Finnish sprint Champs, TV4 live on Jukola and Sport Channel shows Elite League competition on same evening. I must say I'm proud of that development. Gps following has been major help to make O one step more interesting.
For those interested in map layout, Morten Dalby's Strupe map contains many of the graphic themes of the traditional "Norwegian" style, developed largely by Jorg Luchsinger in the 70's.
Here is another "indoor" o-event. One where you're likely to need a headlight. For anyone not familiar with the Finnish language, let it be known that "luola" equals "cave".
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