okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Monday, July 24, 2006
A few Oringen snapshots
No energy to write today, so I'll just post a few snapshots.
The terrain called "tallhed" on the Oringen maps was very nice. Check out this snapshot (which isn't actually from the competition terrain, but does show some of the sort of forest you had a chance to run through). Keep in mind that a lot of the terrain was not like this. We spent a lot of time running in rougher, rocky terrain.
For an American at Oringen, it is always amazing to see just how many people orienteer. You can watch the stream of runners on the finish chute for hours...and they just keep coming.
Speaking of the finish chute, on all 5 days we had to cross bridges. The bridges are a bit of a pain. You've got to climb when your legs don't want to climb and the downhill is steep enough to be a bit nerve wracking.
The bridges can make a nice frame for a snapshot.
And when you run up the finish chute, you run hard and try to look tough. Martin Johansson looks tough in this snapshot as he finishes the last day of the super elite race.