okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Sunday, October 02, 2005
We had a longish leg at Cuivre River today (1-2). I looked at a couple of different options before picking my route. One option was to go down from 1 and take the road, far to the left of the line. Another option was to go down to the road, but then turn rigth at the intersection, leave the road after a couple of hundred meters and use the trails to get near the control. Anothr option was to go back through Camp Cuivre, follow the road past control 11, then drop down the hill and use trails to get near the control. I didn't consider going straight. I haven't seen any splits (or even talked about the leg with others who ran). I'll let you think about the options, feel free to leave your thoughts as a comment. Sometime tomorrow I'll tell you which route I picked (I'll add it as a comment).
posted by Michael |
7:47 PM