okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Sunday, April 10, 2005
An odd course from Norway
Take a look at the long course for M21 from the Norwegian World Cup selection races.
When I looked at the map the first thought that came to mind was - "odd course." I think what struck me was how busy the course looked. The runners looped through the finish area and they went through one of those butterfly loops later in the course.
I also came across Arild Nomeland's routes on the course and read his comments. Nomeland liked the course. He wished that more long distance courses had 34 controls and a winning time of 75 minutes. I think he means what he wrote, but there's a chance that he was being sarcastic and I just didn't pick up on it (sarcasim in a foreign language is something I'm unlikely to pick up on).
posted by Michael |
7:06 PM