okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Thursday, March 24, 2005
I posted a map yesterday that I described as "not WOC relevant" and Peter described as "quite different from where the WOC will be."
It got me thinking about what we mean by "relevant."
You can quickly notice that a map from Aichi (which is "WOC relevant") looks different from the Japanese Champs area. The shapes and sizes of the hills leap out as the difference.
The answer to whether an area is relevant isn't just "yes" or "no." There are degrees of relevance. Trying to figure out the degree of relevance between two areas would probably be a good exercise to go through as you think about an upcoming race.
Look at the Aichi map. Look at the Japanese Champs map. Compare and contrast. What terrain differences show up? More importantly, what different physical and technical challenges will you face? What techniques will be emphasized?
posted by Michael |
4:56 PM