okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Some notes about Oystein Sorensen's training
Sorensen is a top junior in Norway. Kondis.no ran an interview with him that, if you can handle Norwegian, is worth a look. In the interview, Sorensen talks about his training. Here are a some of the highlights:
Sorensen has always done a lot of technique training. But he's feels he needs to be a stronger runner to reach the top.
Base building training -- 3 high intensity sessions a week (about 90 percent of maximum heart rate); also lots of long distance, sometimes on skis.
Summer training -- High quality. Lots of O' technique and some running intervals/distance training.
Trains 80 hours a month in the winter, less in the summer.
Total training last season 712 hours.
posted by Michael |
7:17 PM