okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
When you use SportIdent electronic punching, you've got to let the dipstick sit in the control unit for a moment. The unit beeps and a light flashes to let you know the unit has registered your punch (or I guess it is your punch has registered the control). The delay isn't long, but it is noticeable. As you get used to SportIdent, you develop a technique of moving through the control while holding the dipstick in the unit and listening for the beep.
I've used the Emit system a few times and it doesn't have the same delay.
SportIdent is the standard in the U.S.
I suspect that going from SportIdent to Emit is a lot easier than going from Emit to SportIdent.
Maybe the runner in this video is used to Emit? She was disqualified for not punching at the control. That would suck.
posted by Michael |
7:20 PM