okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Thursday, September 09, 2004
I don't get this rule
One of the rules at this year's World Champs is, quoting from Bulletin Number 4:
In all Final races and the Relay there are clearly marked Coaching Zones close to the finish areas where team coaches may coach their athletes while they pass by...In order to keep a high level of fairness the only activities allowed in the coaching zone are...Exchange of verbal communication with athletes; no written information...
I understand restricting the area where a coach can provide information to an athlete. I understand emphasizing fairness.
I don't understand why written information is prohibited.
I suppose there is some good reason a coach could yell information to a runner but couldn't hand that runner a bit of paper. I just don't understand what it could be.
If you know why written information is prohibited, leave me a comment and explain it.
posted by Michael |
9:18 PM