okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Friday, July 30, 2004
I started fast and punched at the first control. No problem. When I came to two, I noticed that the code was wrong. I stopped and the only thing I could think of was that there must be a mistake on my description sheet. I continued to three and the same thing happened -- wrong code again. Now I knew what happened. I yelled to one of the race officials at a control that the codes didn't fit. At the same time, I saw some runners in the M21 class that ran in an entirely different direction that I was running. I checked my map. Yes. F21. I said a few well selected word to the official at the control and jogged bag. At the start the organizers gave the maps to the competitors. You didn't pick your map yourself.
That's the report from Kim Fagerrud at a sprint race a week or so ago in Finland. Fagerrud got another chance at the M21 course. They gave him a new start time and a M21 map.
When I lived in Sweden I liked to play innebandy (something like field hockey with a whiffle ball on a basketball court). I haven't played innebandy for over ten years.
Maybe I should take up Field Crumpets - a favorite sport of the OK KU chapter members. You can see a video of some FC action from the TV station in Lawrence.
posted by Michael |
8:05 PM