okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Sunday, November 02, 2003
I've found that changing how I train can help keep me motivated. When I think back to the times I've been most motivated, I've usually also made some changes in how I've trained.
I don't know if motivation leads to changes or changes lead to motivation. Maybe it is more complicated than that. Maybe something else leads to changes in both motivation and training.
Bjornar Valstad wrote a bit about how he plans to change his training in the coming year:
I'll make some changes for next year. I've trained systematically and relatively hard since I was 15 years old, and it is important to make some changes to avoid stagnation or becoming worse.
Last year I focused on very high training volumes through the whole winter. I will continue with high volumes because that is a central part of my training philosophy. But the biggest volume peaks will be a little lower to be able to work with some other qualities. This year, I'll work with a wider range of intensities in order to take advantage of the base that I've built over many years. The system for this is something I've developed together with Anders [Garderud, Norwegian Coach and Olympic Gold winner in the steeple chase] at I'm looking forward to getting going.
posted by Michael |
8:13 PM