Occassional thoughts about orienteering

Wednesday, October 15, 2003



Mary and I had a chance to watch some cycling and orienteering last weekend. We saw parts of a couple of races at the Road World Cycling Champs in Hamilton and the Axis Gear Sprint orienteering.


I think the most impressive part of watching a bike race is seeing the entire pack come flying by. It reminds me of a stock car race (with a lot less noise).

Here is a snap shot of the elite men's pack climbing past us on about the fifth of 21 laps.

When the pack goes by the impression you get is of a colorful huge thing. There is a lot of motion, but you don't really get a sense of how hard the riders work.

When a single rider goes by, you notice how hard they work. Here is a snapshot of Victor Hugo Pena chasing a lone rider who was about 50 seconds ahead.

Sprint Orienteering

On the evening of the first day of the GLOF, the organizers put on an invitational sprint race. About 6 or 7 runners representing the US, Canada or Ontario raced. Runners started every 30 seconds and the course was only about 2 km. So the entire event took about half an hour. Immediately after the finish, there was a bar-b-q dinner.

I watched the sprint while Mary, sick with a cold, rested at the hotel. I hoped to get some nice snapshots of orienteers. The best couple of pictures show Ted De St Croix racing to the finish.

For someone getting old (I'm 39), Ted is inspiring. He's 45 years old and still among the best orienteers in North America. At GLOF he finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th on the individual days.

posted by Michael | 5:41 PM


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