okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Grudge Match II
Some mountain bikers in Lawrence are hosting a mountain biker versus runner race tonight.
After being sick for a week or so, I'm planning to run the grudge match and see how I feel.
The grudge match pits mountain bikers against runners on a single track trail of about four miles in Clinton State Park. Last time the runners got a head start of a couple hundred meters.
I don't know how the scoring worked, but the runners beat the bikers. The bikers are probably out for revenge tonight. Last time the weather was a bit of a problem -- temperatures near 100. High temperatures probably favored bikers (or more likely didn't hurt bikers as much as runners).
The format is pretty interesting. Bikers have an advantage when the trail is smooth. But there are enough rocks on the trail that there are places where a runner has a big advantage.
In all of my O' career I've never done as much running racing as I should have. I don't really like road races, so I don't do them. Trail races are more fun, but there aren't enough of them. Grudge matches are just right.
posted by Michael |
1:11 PM