okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Thinking about the big event
What are top orienteers thinking about before big race? Maybe something like this....
I'm going to approach the race the way I always do. I stay in the present I don't think much about what my competitors are doing. If I orienteer well, things will fall into place.
The quote isn't an orienteer. It is a professional golfer. Of course, I made a few changes to the quote (race=tournament, my competitors=the other players, and orienteer=play). The quote is from Annika Sorenstam, the best female golfer in the world, talking about her approach to competing in a men's professional tournament.
The basic ideas in the quote seem sound: stay with your normal routine, concentrate, don't worry about the competitors and let the good race happen.
Maybe orienteers can learn something from golfers. At least a few of the orienteers who read this page are also golfers. Are there parallels between orienteering and golf?
posted by Michael |
8:48 PM