okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Monday, February 03, 2003
5 questions
Here are five questions that I'd like to know the answers to:
1. What process do the best course setters go through when they are designing a course? I've always been impressed by good course setters. I can set a reasonable course, but I'm not a great course setter. I'd like to understand what the great course setters are thinking as they design a course. What do they do first? How do they review and revise their work? What are they thinking as they put the course together?
2. Who was the greatest orienteer ever?
3. What was the best ever O' performance by an American? The best performance by a North American was almost certainly Ted De St. Croix's top-ten at the 1985 WOC. I'm not sure about the best performance from the U.S. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Mikell Platt's win on the elite course in France in 1986!
4. How will the best orienteers be training 10, 20 and 30 years from now? Training will probably change as O' becomes more professional, training becomes more organized, and researchers and coaches learn more. What will those changes be?
5. Could an American orienteer, living on individual sponsorships, become a "professional"? A few top Scandinavians are surviving as full-time orienteers with personal sponsors. Could an American? When will an American try?
posted by Michael |
7:22 PM