okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
B is for Bogren
Anna Bogren won the short world champs in 1993 in New York. She's also got relay champs medals and was 3rd in the short champs in Germany in 1995. She can orienteer.
Here is a translation of an interview with her (from Träning):
What 5 characteristics make you a top orienteer?
Goal oriented; I set priorities for what I want to do. Disciplined; I don't forget what is important, my goals are important and other things have to take a back seat to them. Sometimes I'll have to do things that aren't always so fun, in other words I'll have to prioritize things that help me meet my goals. Self confident; at least in orienteering, I've become stronger and I know that I can handle different things. I am self-aware and I'm able to go my own way. I'm confident in who I am and my decisions. It helps my self confidence to know that I prepare for a world champs a bit differently than my competitors. Orienteering is a very challenging sport which is what makes it so fun. I am willing to improve; to learn new things and listen to how others think.
What a minute -- isn't that six things? Goal oriented, disciplined, prioritize, self confident, fun and willing to improve. Yes, that is six.