okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Interesting new article...wish I had a copy
The latest issue of the Norwegian O' mag has several articles I'd like to read. The one that I'd most like to read is about Jorgen Rostrup's training -- from the age of 14 through his world championships. Here is what the magazine's web page says..
- Tren først og fremst med kart i skogen. Vi er altfor dårlige til å finne fram, sier Jørgen Rostrup.
Which quotes Rostrup as saying, "first and foremost, train with a map in the forest. We are absolutely too weak at finding our way."
I don't expect the article to show up on the web, and I don't subscribe to Veivalg. So, I guess I won't get a chance to read it unless someone who reads this page gets "Veivalg" and sends me a copy!
And now for something completely different...
The KC adventure racing egroup had a note from a software guy pushing something called "Trek Analyst."
I took a quick look.
It looks like Trek Analyst is a way to use a GPS as a tool for evaluating and monitoring your training. To me, that's always seemed like the best use of a GPS for an orienteer (don't get me started on what I think about GPS and O' mapping).
posted by Michael |
12:48 PM