okansas.blogspot.com Occassional thoughts about orienteering
Monday, November 18, 2002
Boschee and training less
I was at my best as an orienteer in 1991. During that year, I'd made one big change in how I trained. I trained a good bit less than before. Instead of doing 6.5-8 hours per week, I trained more like 4 hours per week. I made every hour count.
I was reminded of the benefits of training less when I was reading Jeff Boschee's book about KU basketball -- Long Shot. Here is a bit of what Jeff wrote about KU practices last year (when they went to the final four).
We actually saw practice time grow shorter as the year continued...[Coach Roy Williams] demonstrated that by having lighter practices at times during January and February. It was a wise decision, as this team tended to work harder on those short days. We seemed to know that we had less time, so we tried to pack as much in as we could.
It is also easier on you mentally when you realize that not every day is going to be the same. Long practices might sound good to some fans, but when you are on the floor for hours, you start to lose concentration...
The problem with training so little is that it eventually catches up with you. Training less worked for me as long as the session were high quality. But, after a while it became hard to keep the quality high. I got lazy. I ended up training little and training with little quality. That doesn't work.
posted by Michael |
8:06 PM