Occassional thoughts about orienteering

Thursday, October 31, 2002

next update will be Monday


I'm going to the US Champs this weekend and don't expect to update this page until Monday.

If you're sitting at the computer and looking for something to do, check out "googlism." Type in your name and see who you are.

A googlism search for my name returns..."eglinski is the us champ" That's got to be a good omen!

Who is Gagarin? You'll get a list that includes:

gagarin is a towering figure for all times
gagarin is dark while bykovsky is clearly seen
gagarin is in the hospital to have his inflamed tonsils removed
gagarin is often referred to as "the columbus of the cosmos
gagarin is here
gagarin is now involved in a dictionary fund
gagarin is set to be removed from his pedestal and cleared away to a less obtrusive resting place

Who is Mook?

mook is what critics call the crude
mook is a classicist and archaeologist whose research interests are late bronze age
mook is like a gangster
mook is 67
mook is excited about the relationship
mook is one of the nicest we've seen in a long while
mook is high quality and the pictures are crystal clear
mook is fucking incredible
mook is extermely dangerous
mook is extremely aggressive

What is orienteering?

orienteering is a way of living
orienteering is a good way to teach children map skills
orienteering is an endurance sport attracting both orienteering and mountain bike enthusiasts
orienteering is exciting as an end in itself
orienteering is a sport of skill that teaches players how to read nature's clues
orienteering is the skill of finding your way through a series of checkpoints on an unfamiliar course using a map and a compass
orienteering is a relatively inexpensive sport
orienteering is a sport
orienteering is called 'sport for all'
orienteering is not a part of life
orienteering is usually done in the woods
orienteering is now done on all inhabited continents
orienteering is simply a canoe and kayak race with map and compass

Try googlism for a few minutes of amusement

posted by Michael | 1:30 PM


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