Occassional thoughts about orienteering

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Some O' history


I was poking around the USOF home page today and came across a list of U.S. World Champs teams for 1966-2001.

With a cup of Peet's coffee and a pen in hand, I studied the list a bit. Here are a few "factoids":

Most experienced teams

The teams with the most experience (i.e. the most prior WOC team experience) were 1989 (Sweden) for the men and 1997 (Norway) for the women. The 1989 men had Mitch Bentley as the only first-timer. Dave Pruden and I were at our second WOC. Mikell Platt and Eric Weyman were at their sixth. The 1997 women had two first-timers and two old-timers. Karen Williams and Kris Harrison were at their first WOC. Sharon Crawford was at her tenth and Peggy Dickison was at her 7th.

Least experienced team

The team with the least experience (excluding the first couple of WOCs the U.S. sent runners to) was the 1991 (Czech.) men. Four men -- Joe Brautigam, Tom Bruce, Rick Oliver and Lans Taylor -- were at their first WOC. Bruce Wolfe was at his third.

Peggy and Sharon

Peggy Dickison (9 teams) and Sharon Crawford (10 teams) are in a class by themselves. Only one other woman has 5 WOC teams (Kristin Hall) and only one other has 4 WOC teams (Heather Williams). On the mens' side, MIkell Platt has 7 WOC teams and Eric Weyman has 6. Platt could probably have made enough teams to put him even or ahead of Sharon, but he hasn't gone to a WOC since 1993.

One timers

Currently, there are 16 men and 11 women who've been on only one WOC team. Two of these orienteers, Ken Walker jr. and Sandra Zurcher, are likely to drop off the list if they keep themselves in the sport.

Gaps between teams

Carl Childs, Dave Pruden and I have all had 8-year gaps between appearances on the WOC team. Carl was on the 1985 team and then the 1993 team. Dave was on the 1981 team and then the 1989 team. I was on the 1993 and 2001 teams.

US Champs on the team

Before 1990, there was only one year where the U.S. champ was not also on the WOC team. In 1983, Peter Gagarin was US Champ but was not on the team (though I think he was an alternate and went to the WOC as the team coach).

Since 1990, there have been 5 mens teams and 2 womens teams without the US Champ. For the men, 1993 was the only WOC team with the US champ. For the women, the US champ was not on the WOC team in 1997 adn 1999.

Mikell Platt accounts for some of this. He has won the US champs three times in years when he didn't go to the WOC.

Three or more WOC teams

The men who've been on three or more WOC teams are: Mikell Platt (7); Eric Weyman (6); James Scarborough (5); Eric Bone, Joe Brautigam, Steve Tarry and me (4); Carl Childs, Bruce Wolfe, Petere Gagarin and Dick adams (3).

The women who've been on three or more WOC teams are: Sharon Crawford (10); Peggy Dickison (9); Kristin Hall (5); Heather Williams (4); Karen Williams, Pavlina Brautigam, Virginia Lehman, Betty Anderson and Beth Skelton (3).

posted by Michael | 4:59 PM


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